IO1 CULINARY – Directory with words, expressions, actions that it has to be necessary for a suitable communication with people with hearing impairments in 3 different work environments


A study carried out to achieve the final creation of a directory containing the words which compose the video-dictionary. Expressions or actions selected are used in usual work environments in 3 different sectors : furniture, culinary and tourism.
These 3 different sectors are included to check their utility and extension, because the aim was to have this dictionary for the most different sectors as possible, suppressing the communication barrier that people with hearing impairment currently have; those sectors are one behalf traditional sectors (which are usually less actives in the removal of barriers to disability).
The output aim was to make a list of 150 words per field (450 in total), the activities carried out were:
1) Design of the Methodology and Identification of the work situations to be studied
2) Observation of the work situation in several selected companies in Italy, Spain, Germany and Hungary:
3) Interviews of employees
4) Mock conversation
5) Final selection.

IO1 FURNITURE – Directory with words, expressions, actions that it has to be necessary for a suitable communication with people with hearing impairments in 3 different work environments


A study carried out to achieve the final creation of a directory containing the words which compose the video-dictionary. Expressions or actions selected are used in usual work environments in 3 different sectors : furniture, culinary and tourism.
These 3 different sectors are included to check their utility and extension, because the aim was to have this dictionary for the most different sectors as possible, suppressing the communication barrier that people with hearing impairment currently have; those sectors are one behalf traditional sectors (which are usually less actives in the removal of barriers to disability).
The output aim was to make a list of 150 words per field (450 in total), the activities carried out were:
1) Design of the Methodology and Identification of the work situations to be studied
2) Observation of the work situation in several selected companies in Italy, Spain, Germany and Hungary:
3) Interviews of employees
4) Mock conversation
5) Final selection

IO1 TOURISM – Directory with words, expressions, actions that it has to be necessary for a suitable communication with people with hearing impairments in 3 different work environments


A study carried out to achieve the final creation of a directory containing the words which compose the video-dictionary. Expressions or actions selected are used in usual work environments in 3 different sectors : furniture, culinary and tourism.
These 3 different sectors are included to check their utility and extension, because the aim was to have this dictionary for the most different sectors as possible, suppressing the communication barrier that people with hearing impairment currently have; those sectors are one behalf traditional sectors (which are usually less actives in the removal of barriers to disability).
The output aim was to make a list of 150 words per field (450 in total), the activities carried out were:
1) Design of the Methodology and Identification of the work situations to be studied
2) Observation of the work situation in several selected companies in Italy, Spain, Germany and Hungary:
3) Interviews of employees
4) Mock conversation
5) Final selection

IO2 – Video-dictionary of selected words, expression, actions in different sign languages with videos


Thanks to this Intellectual Output, it has been created a video-dictionary, to be used by deafs and hearing people who want communicate with people with those problems. This output is aimed to suppress communication barriers, increasing the employability, reducing risks of accidents due to misunderstandings, and improving the contact between peers.
The platform includes 3600 videos in 4 different sign languages, for 3 work sectors, including the word translation and its meaning.
Users, when they have access to the dictionary, can select two languages: one spoken language between English, Italian, Spanish, German and Hungarian; and one sign language between Italian Sign Language (LIS), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), German Sign Language (DGS) and Hungarian Sign Language. That means 20 different dictionaries (With 5 spoken languages that can be translated into 4 different Sign languages (and vice versa).

IO3 Creation of a sign language training mobile applications for work environments – Apple iOS


Below it is possible to download the 12 mobile apps developed during SWING project, including the video-dictionary developed for the O2, but also some training activities for better learning sign languages.
Each APP include one sign language (among Italian, Spanish, Hungarian and German) and one work environment (among culinary, tourism and furniture). The combination of sign languages and work environment made 12 different mobile apps.

The apps are aimed to be easily used in the work environment, whenever there is a communication barrier. But it is also a tool for hearing and deaf people to learn sign languages (also in from other countries).

IO3 Creation of a sign language training mobile applications for work environments – ANDROID


Below it is possible to download the 12 mobile apps developed during SWING project, including the video-dictionary developed for the O2, but also some training activities for better learning sign languages.
Each APP include one sign language (among Italian, Spanish, Hungarian and German) and one work environment (among culinary, tourism and furniture). The combination of sign languages and work environment made 12 different mobile apps.

The apps are aimed to be easily used in the work environment, whenever there is a communication barrier. But it is also a tool for hearing and deaf people to learn sign languages (also in from other countries).